LTspice 24.0.9 for Windows Circuit: * D:\projekte\ecs_greencontroller\branches\gc75_40_V2\simulation\OutputSwitchLTC7000.asc Start Time: Mon Apr 8 15:19:44 2024 solver = Normal Maximum thread count: 24 tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap Direct Newton iteration for .op point succeeded. Heightened Def Con from 0.0585629 to 0.0585629 Heightened Def Con from 0.0586284 to 0.0586284 Heightened Def Con from 0.0586366 to 0.0586366 Heightened Def Con from 0.0586407 to 0.0586407 Total elapsed time: 0.203 seconds.